European Travel Accounts of the Late Middle Ages

European Travel Accounts of the Late Middle Ages aims to advance research on late medieval and early modern European travel accounts. This project provides digitized editions and research literature on approx. 375 different travels and pilgrimages through Europe in historical times. The bibliographical database allows quick reference for the travel accounts. Due to copy right restrictions only literature from the 19th century and earlier is provided in full text.

The majority of the material provided here is based on the so called “analytical bibliographies” of medieval travel accounts that have been edited under the direction of Prof. Werner Paravicini and published by Peter Lang. Initially only bibliographies on GermanFrench and Dutch travel-accounts have been published, but there was always the idea of collecting material for the other European countries (especially Italy, England, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia and East-Europe) as well. therefore collects information also for travelers from these countries that left accounts of their journey.