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Marburger Repertorium zur Ubersetzungsliteratur im deutschen Fruhhumanismus (MRFH)

Marburger Repertorium zur Ubersetzungsliteratur im deutschen Fruhhumanismus (MRFH)

The MRFH provides access to early humanist translators and their German works. The project covers the university and the Heidelberg court, as well as the cities of Strasbourg, Basel, Augsburg, and Nuremberg. A total of 144 works from the period of 1450–1500 are listed. The project also covers the transition from manuscripts to printed books. A total of 122 manuscripts and 145 incunabula have been examined and described in detail. The later printed tradition up to the year 1600 has only been included in short entries, which include 273 printings from the sixteenth century. Digital images of manuscripts and prints have been incorporated.

Manus: Censimento dei manoscritti delle biblioteche italiane

Manus: Censimento dei manoscritti delle biblioteche italiane

MANUS è un database che comprende la descrizione e le immagini digitalizzate dei manoscritti conservati nelle biblioteche italiane pubbliche, ecclesiastiche e private. While not full text, the database often includes detailed descriptions and/or summaries of the contents of the manuscripts.

Jesuit Online Bibliography

Jesuit Online Bibliography

The Jesuit Online Bibliography is a free, collaborative, multilingual, and fully searchable database of bibliographic records for scholarship in Jesuit Studies produced in the 21st century. In the bibliographic tradition of the Society of Jesus, this database provides the records, abstracts, subject categories, and direct links to books, chapters, articles, reviews, dissertations, and others materials related to the study of Jesuit history, spirituality, educational heritage, and pedagogy.



The Maurits Sabbe Library of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (KU Leuven, Belgium) is home to an impressive Jesuitica book collection of almost 100,000 books. 20,000 books printed before 1840 and more than 40,000 from the later 19th and 20th century have been properly described and catalogued. This project aims at disclosing the remaining uncatalogued books, providing easy access to its contents and stimulating academic research in the field of Jesuit studies.

Bibliographie de la litterature française

Bibliographie de la litterature française

The Bibliographie de la littérature française (BLF) is coedited by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the Société d’histoire littéraire de la France, and Classiques Garnier Numérique. The bibliographic tool documents all the studies on French-speaking literature from the sixteenth century to the present day which have appeared between 1998 and the present day both in France and abroad. Conceived as a veritable crossroads of information, it constitutes a unique resource for researchers, professors, students, and, more broadly, all those seeking to inform themselves on French-speaking literature or on a particular writer, theme or period. The online BLF is updated daily, as and when publications are recorded by specialists.