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CHMTL (Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature, Indiana University)

CHMTL (Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature, Indiana University)

The Center hosts several textual databases focused on music theory from the medieval and early modern eras, including Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum, Saggi musicali italiani, Texts on Music in English from Medieval & Early Modern Eras, and Traités français sur la musique.

Early Music Sources

Early Music Sources

In addition to useful databases of sources of music, music theory, and musical iconography, there is a growing collection of over thirty wonderfully informative and entertaining YouTube videos prepared by Elam Rotem and colleagues concerning matters of musical notation, composition, and historically informed performance practice.

The Atlas of Early Printing

The Atlas of Early Printing is an interactive site designed to be used as a tool for teaching the early history of printing in Europe during the second half of the fifteenth century. While printing in Asia predates European activity by several hundred years, the rapid expansion of the trade following the discovery of printing in Mainz, Germany, around the middle of the fifteenth century is a topic of great importance to the history of European civilization.