Mapping Manuscript Migrations (MMM) allows users to find and study medieval and Renaissance manuscripts and their movements and navigate the network of connections between people, institutions, and places associated with these manuscripts.
Tag: Books & Printing
Robert Hooke’s Books
An online source on the library of the 17th-century experimental philosopher and architect, Robert Hooke (1635–1703). The site is comprised of an extensive editors’ introduction and a searchable database of 2,711 records.
Manicule is a standalone React/Redux web application for presenting unique printed books and manuscripts in digital facsimile. Built and designed by Liza Daly and Whitney Trettien with support from the Price Lab for Digital Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania, Manicule allows editors to build guided tours through a book, annotate the edges of interesting pages, categorize and color-code each page in the facsimile, and visualize the book’s structure.
The Independent Works of William Tyndale
The Independent Works of William Tyndale
The Independent Works plans to make William Tyndale’s complete oeuvre available in up-to-date online editions, allowing scholars to access the works of an influential English Protestant theologian.
Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale OPAC (Library Catalogs)
Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale OPAC (Library Catalogs)
Catalogo collettivo delle biblioteche che partecipano al Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (Italian Libraries Network).
Short Title Catalogue Flanders (STCV)
Short Title Catalogue Flanders (STCV)
Online database of books printed in current Flanders (Southern Low Countries) from the beginning of print until 1800. Contains a growing number of 16th century editions published in Antwerp and Louvain. Includes references to copies in select Belgian and foreign libraries and some links to online copies. This is an ongoing project, currently the 17th century is the best covered.
A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (BL Add. MS 17492)
A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (BL Add. MS 17492)
The social edition is a work that brings communities together to engage in conversation around a text formed and reformed through an ongoing, iterative, public editorial process. A verse miscellany belonging to the 1530s and early 1540s.
Verse Miscellanies Online
Verse Miscellanies Online is a searchable critical edition of seven printed verse miscellanies published in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
Marburger Repertorium zur Ubersetzungsliteratur im deutschen Fruhhumanismus (MRFH)
Marburger Repertorium zur Ubersetzungsliteratur im deutschen Fruhhumanismus (MRFH)
The MRFH provides access to early humanist translators and their German works. The project covers the university and the Heidelberg court, as well as the cities of Strasbourg, Basel, Augsburg, and Nuremberg. A total of 144 works from the period of 1450–1500 are listed. The project also covers the transition from manuscripts to printed books. A total of 122 manuscripts and 145 incunabula have been examined and described in detail. The later printed tradition up to the year 1600 has only been included in short entries, which include 273 printings from the sixteenth century. Digital images of manuscripts and prints have been incorporated.
British Printed Images to 1700
British Printed Images to 1700
A digital library of prints and book illustrations from early modern Britain. It also offers various resources aimed at furthering our knowledge and understanding of them. The core of the project is the database, a fully searchable library of several thousand printed images.