World Epics

This collaborative website is devoted to epics from across the globe, including epic narratives in theatrical dramatizations, puppetry arts, music, visual art, and film. It aims likewise to showcase websites and teaching resources developed by colleagues featuring both literary and oral epics, from the ancient world to today. Several Renaissance epics are included. Inquiries and submissions welcome.

MIT Global Shakespeares: Video and Performance Archive

MIT Global Shakespeares: Video and Performance Archive

The Global Shakespeares Video & Performance Archive is a collaborative project providing online access to performances of Shakespeare from many parts of the world as well as essays and metadata provided by scholars and educators in the field. The archive is a work in progress and currently includes a catalogue of over 300 productions.

The World of Dante

The World of Dante

This site includes the Italian text and Allen Mandelbaum’s translation of the Divine Comedy marked up in XML, an interactive timeline, an interactive version of Botticelli’s Chart of Hell, an array of maps of Dante’s Italy and all three realms of the afterlife, musical recordings of the liturgical chants and hymns mentioned in Purgatory and Paradise, a gallery of more than 600 images, a searchable database, and teaching resources and activities.