Early Modern London Theatres is a research database and educational resource that lets you see what direct use has been made, over the last four centuries, of pre-1642 documents related to professional performance in purpose-built theatres and other permanent structures in the London area. It is not a comprehensive collection of those pre-1642 documents; rather, it charts the copies (or “transcriptions”) which were subsequently made of them.
Tag: England
The Holinshed Project
An annotated, parallel-text edition of Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which was at once the crowning achievement of Tudor historiography and the most important single source for contemporary playwrights and poets, above all Shakespeare, Spenser, Daniel, and Drayton.
Digital Collections for the Classroom: Shakespeare’s Romans: Politics and Ethics in Julius Caesar and Coriolanus
This resource examines similarities between 17th-century England and classical Rome, including primary-source documents from the Newberry Library collection.
Digital Collections for the Classroom: Marriage and Family in Shakespeare’s England
Digital Collections for the Classroom: Marriage and Family in Shakespeare’s England
Source documents and background information showing the ways in which Shakespeare’s plays respond to changes in the understanding and organization of family during the English Renaissance.
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (SDFB) is a digital reconstruction of the early modern social network (EMSN) that scholars and students from all over the world will be able to collaboratively expand, revise, curate, and critique.
Catholic Record Society
Digitisation of all of the Catholic Record Society’s source editions.
British Printed Images to 1700
British Printed Images to 1700
A digital library of prints and book illustrations from early modern Britain. It also offers various resources aimed at furthering our knowledge and understanding of them. The core of the project is the database, a fully searchable library of several thousand printed images.
A London Provisioner’s Chronicle, 1550-1563, by Henry Machan
A London Provisioner’s Chronicle, 1550-1563, by Henry Machan
An electronic scholarly edition created by Richard W. Bailey, Marilyn Miller, and Colette Moore. The edition gives a complete inventory of material required by scholars and readers: images of the manuscript, a faithful transcript of those images, and a rendering in modern English of this fascinating document.