A Digital Anthology of Early Modern English Drama
Complementing the Folger’s unsurpassed resources on Shakespeare’s works, this website offers an introduction to hundreds of surviving plays by other authors and dozens of full play texts.
A Digital Anthology of Early Modern English Drama
Complementing the Folger’s unsurpassed resources on Shakespeare’s works, this website offers an introduction to hundreds of surviving plays by other authors and dozens of full play texts.
Verse Miscellanies Online is a searchable critical edition of seven printed verse miscellanies published in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
The Digital Cavendish aims to highlight digital research and scholarly projects that focus on any aspect of the life and writings of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1623–73). Research may include digital images, annotations, text-mining, cultural archives, digital portfolios of manuscript and bibliographic research, etc. Ultimately, the site will grow to build a collaborative space for Cavendish scholars and students interested in the areas of literary, historical, digital, textual, bibliographic, manuscript, cultural, feminist, queer, and critical race studies, and become a space for those who wish to share their work.
The Anglo-American Legal Tradition
Images of legal documents from medieval and early modern England from the National Archives in London digitized and displayed through the O’Quinn Law Library of the University of Houston Law Center by license of the National Archives sponsored by the University of Houston Law Center and Department of History. Useful to anyone working on English history, literature, law, or culture.
A search engine and database which contains every playbook published in England, Ireland, and Scotland through 1660. Includes information on author, theater company, printer, and paratextual material.
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