The World of Dante

The World of Dante

This site includes the Italian text and Allen Mandelbaum’s translation of the Divine Comedy marked up in XML, an interactive timeline, an interactive version of Botticelli’s Chart of Hell, an array of maps of Dante’s Italy and all three realms of the afterlife, musical recordings of the liturgical chants and hymns mentioned in Purgatory and Paradise, a gallery of more than 600 images, a searchable database, and teaching resources and activities.

Manus: Censimento dei manoscritti delle biblioteche italiane

Manus: Censimento dei manoscritti delle biblioteche italiane

MANUS è un database che comprende la descrizione e le immagini digitalizzate dei manoscritti conservati nelle biblioteche italiane pubbliche, ecclesiastiche e private. While not full text, the database often includes detailed descriptions and/or summaries of the contents of the manuscripts.

Digital Cicognara Library

Digital Cicognara Library

Contains the full text of Conte Leopoldo Cicognara’s Catalogo ragionato dei libri d’arte e d’antichità, published in 1821, integrated with digital images of the full text of every title in the Cicognara Library. Includes both black-and-white facsimiles of the original volumes in the Vatican Library (digitized from microform masters), and one or more high-resolution, color digital facsimiles of unique copies from project partner libraries, along with thorough bibliographic information.

Database of Italian Academies

Database of Italian Academies

Provides a detailed searchable database for locating printed material relating to the Italian learned Academies active in Avellino, Bari, Benevento, Bologna, Brindisi, Caltanissetta, Catania, Catanzaro, Enna, L’Aquila, Lecce, Mantua, Naples, Padua, Palermo, Rome, Salerno, Siena, Syracuse, Trapani, and Venice in the period 1525-1700 and now held in the collections of the British Library.