The project Magnetic Margins investigates how and by whom the most important early modern book publications on magnetism were read and annotated. This database provides a census of major publications in this field of study and maps annotations in the individual copies of these editions.
Tag: Philosophy
Rara Magnetica. A Repository of Historical Sources Related to the Premodern Research on Magnetism
Rara Magnetica (1269-1599) is the name of Gustav Hellmann’s well known anthology published in 1898. With this collection, he sought to provide access to some of the earliest, yet rare publications in the field of geomagnetism that predated William Gilbert’s landmark publication De Magnete of 1600. The digital project and platform Rara Magnetica translates these efforts into the digital domain, going far beyond digital editions.
The need to publish important but understudied sources is most efficiently achieved by providing curated digital structured and linked data. Rara Magnetica hence – as an ongoing project – is both a repository and an interactive research platform. It publishes scans and transcriptions of (many hitherto unpublished) sources, data visualizations, and databases, all related to the premodern study of magnetism. Moreover, it provides various tools to investigate each of these resources independently and in combination. A major aim in fact is to enhance multimodal analyses that transcend media barriers by allowing to research imagery along with full texts, material sources along with their conceptual content. This is achieved by various but interlinked tools providing different ways of looking at the same sources.
Post-Reformation Digital Library
A select database of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included. The PRDL is a project of the Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research.
Pico Project
Texts, translations, and studies of De hominis dignitate.
Pico project
Texts, translations, and studies of Pico della Mirandola’s De hominis dignitate.
Robert Hooke’s Books
An online source on the library of the 17th-century experimental philosopher and architect, Robert Hooke (1635–1703). The site is comprised of an extensive editors’ introduction and a searchable database of 2,711 records.
Database of Early Modern German Physicians’ Letters
Database of Early Modern German Physicians’ Letters
Started in 2009, the database now offers free online access to the records of about 45,000 letters written by or to learned physicians in the German lands between 1500 and 1700. These letters contain a wealth of information not only about medical and natural philosophical issues but also on family matters, political and confessional conflicts, on cities and courts and many other topics. In addition to the basic data (names, date, places), thousands of datasets contain a detailed summary of the letter in question. Recently, an English-language user surface has been added and over the next years English translations of the German summaries will be added.
Cusanus Portal
Cusanus-Portal offers a searchable full text version of the critical edition of the Opera omnia, links to translations of the texts, an encyclopedia on the life and work of Nicholas of Cusa, and a regularly updated bibliography.